It 's time.
In the coming months we will organize a major event that will present THE RIGHT the nationality of Gorgonzola.
We are two and a half years in the political landscape of Gorgonzola, we discussed the latest municipal elections, as new.
the day of presentation of lists in coalition with the center-right (which we could only boast of a hyphen between the center and right, despite being shunned by which they tried to stop us) we had 10 days of life in Gorgonzola, we small children we were able to sommuovere a wave of people on the day of arrival of Daniela Santanche to Gorgonzola.Oggi after two and a half years, it 's time for a national policy to know our offer, we are those who have opposed the sale of the old mill victory, We are the ones who have strongly criticized the reckless increase ICI 'in the areas north of the Metro, we are those who have asked for the bill increases the fees of the nests, but not servile allies, ready to have our say, our traditional Right torticollis, but without great modern founded in respect and continuity ideals of which we are proud to be at least 60 years, ready to bend with dignity and pride in the black shirt and put it in the 'closet of history in the continuity of' legacy he left us the our great Secretary Giorgio Almirante in these days we commemorate, not restaurare.Noi not deny those who were entitled to be consulted before this ballet poltrone.Ma how much it hurts reading it, the past week in local newspapers, along with other articles about people who legitimately protesting the disproportionate increase in the fees of the nests; much does it hurt to read it together by now certain that even this Government will be able to make a sports center or a center entertainment, which it is, to bring our children to have fun like that in their Paese.Notizie with news that its policy should address the ethical obligations?? E 'cynicism ... without faith, without ideals politics becomes cynicism. ... Cui prodest? Who will benefit from this ballet? Gorgonzola Certainly not, certainly not politics, that no one wanted to ask at this stage, certainly not citizens by this administration expected a breath of fresh air, a sea change as well as the victory was elettorale.Tutto this marks a dramatic political vacuum should be filled. All this and 'also the son of the times, with a public increasingly' confused, crush, no points of reference. The policy that is missing must be built with patience. The Right Nation and Labour must 'be characterized in that territory as a force capable of catalyzing those who do not want to haul down the flag of identity' national social rights of the 'ethics of meritocracy as the sole criterion to choose the ruling class ... no matter what costs in relations with other political forces. Now, even in coalitions and parties in the conflict is not 'more' a scandal ... a few time share with the launch of a new policy from the start submitting ourselves to new ideas and discussions with a major confrontation popular throughout the City. We also present the next competition with administrative nostricandidati even at high local loads, available from now if you change the mindset, to make coalition with the center, unwilling to undergo further ostracism as those that still do not registriamo.Ma oggi.Oggi, more and more, this majority is built up artfully balances governed by a scientific division of power and chairs and not a real project to improve the future of Gorgonzola and to involve all the forces that brought it into being, despite all the attempts of the right hand of the Mayor and council to bring more merciful and to implement the program according to the which they (have) been given a mandate by elettori.Si know once and for all that we are not asking for a place to occupy, we seek a place worth stare.Rivolgo a heartfelt appeal to all those who believed in this project and now they see it fade, so they can join THE RIGHT and allow us to become a major political force, a great popular movement, which will give a strong signal of unity and militancy of interest in what pubblica.Chi has had his moment of glory and was used only when needed to bring votes to the cause, who today is not informed that the papers of such important issues, changes in Government, which was not shared with, the waste of a major electoral victory and has the right to be indignant?
Here, the capacity 'of outrage as an engine of a political presence.
It is especially true for the garbage we're seeing these days and are likely to absorb all in one pot. We have not given up a career in politics quieter for us to identify the same to others. And the alliances can not be an excuse to shut up. Who wants to have put up with.
Next, flags at the head, the right to assert a right that no one can erase
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